Week 1: Inversion Method for Hair Growth

Hey everyone, my name is Isabel Rivera and this is my 20 time project on hair growth. I was scrolling through YouTube one day and I found this video entitled “How to grow an inch of hair in a week”. I’m really into hair care and the title sounded intriguing so I started watching it. This young girl was talking about an interesting phenomenon called the inversion method. All you need is a natural oil, such as coconut oil, and what you want to do, is invert your head upside down, put the coconut all over your scalp and massage your scalp gently in circular motions for four minutes. Inverting your head upside down causes the blood flow to increase which stimulates hair growth. With this all in mind, I decided to try this out for myself.

After week 1 of doing the inversion method, I noticed my hair didn’t seem to change in length. There could have been two problems with why my hair didn’t grow. Maybe I didn’t invert my head down far enough, or it could simply be because when I measured my hair before starting the inversion method, it was wet, and when I measured my hair after week 1, it wasn’t wet. Anyway, I am still going to try this inversion method to see if it works.

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